Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bill Coats to Lead November Workshop

The Rev. William R. Coats will lead the "Confronting the Covenant" workshop at the meeting of The Episcopal Majority on November 3 in Washington, D.C. This session will explore the purposes and direction of the "Anglican Covenant" proposed in the Windsor Report and discuss ways The Episcopal Majority can influence that future.

Father Coats (or simply "Bill," as he is known to most of those whose lives he has touched), now retired, is a long-time parish priest and university chaplain. He is the author of God in Public and has published in many journals. He is a co-founder of The Episcopal Majority and has written several essays on The Episcopal Majority's blog.

To find information about the National Gathering, see the agenda, and register online or by mail, go to The Episcopal Majority's webpage.


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