Saturday, November 18, 2006

San Joaquin Announces Plans to Leave TEC

Over the past several days, the news has been zipping through the blogosphere that the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin may seek to disassociate itself from the Episcopal Church when the diocesan convention meets on December 1-2. The convention will be asked to consider constitutional amendments that would supposedly remove the diocese from the authority of the Episcopal Church and "place the Diocese of San Joaquin in an ideal position to be part of any ecclesiastical structure that the Archbishop of Canterbury and Primates might design," according to a statement posted on the diocese's website October 1. The actual proposed constitutional changes in the diocese are posted here. Analysis from the Episcopal News Service is available here.

In his letter to the diocese, Bishop Schofield casts the decision in apocalyptic terms which you can read at this link.

Look at what others have posted on this topic. Some of them have written at some length and more analytically. Please look particularly at:
If you want to see Bishop Schofield himself in his own words, view this video interview with Bishop Schofield.

A favorite charge of Bishop Schofield is the accusation that the Episcopal Church denies the uniqueness of Christ. This is poppycock – but it does not slow him down from levying that charge or the related charge that the Episcopal Church is undermining the authority of Scripture. We urge thoughtful Episcopalians to consider these works that have been published online: San Joaquin's actions promise to gather more attention, and faithful Episcopalians would do well to read this background information before the convention on December 1-2.


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