Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bishops' Press Conference

Episcopal News Service has published a report on the press conference at the conclusion of the bishops' meeting at Camp Allen. The report begins:

In a news conference on March 21 that immediately followed the semi-annual meeting of the Episcopal House of Bishops near Houston, Texas, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said that a meeting with Archbishop Rowan Williams and members of the Primates' Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion is crucial in the mind of many bishops.

"I think that the bishops of the Episcopal Church very much want Rowan Williams and the members of the Primates' Standing Committee to hear directly from us about our concern for all members of this church, those we agree with theologically and those with whom we disagree, gay and lesbian members of our church and those who find it difficult to countenance blessing unions or ordaining gay and lesbian people.

"That the archbishop and the other Primates be invited to hear from us about concerns around polity issues, how this church is governed, that we do not make decisions lightly or easily, but after lengthy conversation and deliberation through a very reasoned process," she said. "I think there is some belief in this House [of Bishops] that other parts of the communion do not understand us very well."

The invitation to Williams and the Primates took the form of a unanimous resolution in which the bishops asked for "three days of prayer and conversation regarding these important matters."

Whether their desire will be granted is yet unknown. "In Tanzania, I invited him," said Jefferts Schori, referring to the meeting of Primates of the Anglican Communion in February. "He indicated that his calendar was too full. I will ask again."

Click here to read the complete report.

Photo © 2007 Episcopal Life Online


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